Comedia is the seventh realm in the Illumini Constellation and is definitely the most whimsical and lighthearted of all the realms. Comedians have a comical appearance, as do their homes, cities, and the products they use in their day to day lives. They have a unique way of viewing the world and it manifests itself in everything they do, create, or say.
The capital city of Comi is oddly situated on the top and face of a sheer cliff with a beach below. Its most prominent "structure" is the Library of Illumination, which sits atop the cliff like a monument.
Comedians may look like they lead simple lives, but in fact embrace cutting-edge advancements that improve their health and secure their futures. However, it is not one of their priorities. They are not covetous people. They may not shun technology; however, they do enjoy the simpler things in life with a large dose of whimsy on the side.