Dramatica is the sixth realm in the Illumini Constellation and is considered the most pragmatic one. Dramaticans may not appear as sophisticated as residents of some of the other realms, however, they are highly intelligent and their non-mechanized way of life with it bartering-system economy works very well for them–labor for tailoring, food for tools, livestock for medicine. Dramaticans are hirsute with abundant curly, red hair that tightens into tight corkscrews when they are angry or scared. They also have the ability to leap great distances, much like grasshoppers. Most residents dress in caftans that are adorned with gem stones in accordance with their social rank. Those of more modest means usually sport short burlap caftans, while societal leaders wear flowing silk robes encrusted with embroidery and jewels.
★ Pru Tellerence
Curator: Library Council head (d-7): Judge of the Commonwealth Court: Upper middle class citizen (Pondor's son): Creator of flaming arrows: Inventor: Strategist: Marksman: Identical Twins Tinkerers
Orphaned militia volunteer Murder witness
Furst Torran Pondor Dungen Pleth Berra Mudge Bangor Rilli Rodo Roxo Rodo Lenc Ozzro
DRAMONI (Capital City)
Library of Illumination Dramoni Town Square Commonwealth Court Berra's Inventorium
Conciliator Herg wine Last measure Zedax
Police Juice extracted from the brains of tzen-tzalis—Aardvark-like creature Death row Centuries old challenge game in which each player vies to capture the others' game tokens and take control of a grid Quartz-like substance with gold veining
It is important on Dramatica to understand their numbering system in order to understand the names of their cities. Like Fantasia, Dramatica uses a base-ten numeric system:
0. oof 1. .oni 2. doni 3. troni 4. quni 5. sani 6. seti 7. sisi 8. hiti 9. niti
Cities are named with a numeric base, depending on size. The largest city is the capital city of Dramoni. The beginning of the name reflects the realm D-R-A-M followed by numeric placement by size. The largest city, therefore the number one city in Dramatica is Dramoni.