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Coming April 3, 2018

Chris Hendriks
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Imprisoned on a distant realm—her love life in a shambles—Johanna Charette wonders how to extract herself from Nero 51’s grasp. She needs to resolve the threats against the Library of Illumination and protect the people she holds dear. But how? She’s felt different, ever since meeting a secret society of wizards, and believes magic is growing inside her. Meanwhile, her feelings about Jackson are still unresolved. Unfortunately, the battle to control all the Libraries of Illumination is about to explode. Their lives are all in peril. And everything everyone on every realm once believed could be stripped away, plunging future generations into stone-age ignorance. 

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’Tis the season to be jolly, however, Johanna Charette and Jackson Roth, curators of the Library of Illumination, are finding it hard to get into the holiday spirit. They have incredibly busy schedules, now that they’ve started college, and the weather is unseasonably warm—hardly Christmas-like at all. Not even a tree can lift their spirits. But then, a spark ignites something inside them. Unfortunately, it may be too late to save the season.

As Pack creatively animates the various realms, the relationship between her two protagonists maintains the novel’s bittersweet tone. Johanna and Jackson are beautifully believable, especially as they drift apart. Everything combusts in a cliffhanger finale.
Kirkus Reviews
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Oh, no! Johanna Charette and Jackson Roth have allowed a sneaky shapeshifter to slip right through their fingers. The good news is that he’s now trapped between the layers of time and space with their Terrorian nemesis, Nero 51. The bad news is the Terrorian wants to control all the Libraries of Illumination, while the shapeshifter wants to control everything else.

Who knows how long the Illumini system will remain safe? It’s taking a toll on Johanna and Jackson, who are smack in the center of everything as they struggle to protect the libraries’ legacy. Can you spell s-t-r-e-s-s? The pressure is driving a stake between the teens, and their mercurial romance could be over before it has truly begun.

The story was highly unredictable due to its inventive concept and multi-genre style, making it an exciting yet sophisticated read for both yung adults and their elders.
Readers’ Favorite
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When an alien invasion threatens the existence of all the knowledge in the universe, eighteen-year-old Johanna Charette and seventeen-year-old Jackson Roth must rely on their wits, guts, and pluck to save the fantasy-come-to-life world of the Library of Illumination.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Johanna and Jackson weren’t the ones responsible for breaching the portals to a dozen distant worlds. Now, outside forces are causing shock waves in the space-time continuum, and if that isn’t awful enough, someone from another dimension is trying to steal a book of powerful spells created by a very famous wizard.

At first, traveling to other realms in a time machine seems like a fun perk. However, discovering some inhabitants want to obliterate the teens doesn’t leave them with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Instead, they find themselves forced to sacrifice their own welfare and the safety of their loved ones for the greater good.

Now Permanently Free

Literary brilliance.
Kirkus Reviews, starred, named to Kirkus Reviews Best Indie Books of 2014
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Within the walls of a centuries-old building lies the magical Library of Illumination where books literally come to life. What makes this library even more unusual are the two teenagers chosen to oversee its operation. Johanna Charette and Jackson Roth must use their wits to deal with the sometimes humorous, sometimes dangerous situations that arise when characters and scenes from enchanted books become real.

As the teens learn about the library, themselves, and each other—their fates become intertwined. And when they stumble upon a scheme by someone in a distant realm to take control of all the knowledge in the universe, Johanna and Jackson are forced to put their lives on the line to battle an ancient foe.

While the [Library of Illumination] series appears to be more "fantastical" in nature, this book was largely grounded in realism, including Josefina's troubling upbringing in the seemingly hostile environment of Peakie's Foundling Home. C.A. Pack is a talented author who is able to cram a lot of info into a small book and entertain while she's doing it.
Readers’ Favorites
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Since the age of three, the grim conditions and strict directives of Peakie’s Foundling Home have ruled 16-year-old Josefina Charo’s life. Her inquisitive nature and love of books highlight an intelligence that allows her to graduate two years early from secondary school. However, she is disappointed to learn Peakie’s will not provide a higher education, nor will she be permitted to leave because she’s too young. Her spirit dampened, she spends the next several months working in the home’s laundry and cafeteria for menial wages, while she searches for a way to escape her prison. Finally, she sees her chance and grabs it, but she soon discovers the harsh realities of being on her own. Life can be difficult, at best, for a teenage girl with no real-world experience.


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