Lumina, The Prime Realm

Dean: Horatio Blastoe
Dean: Artemus Rexana
Dean: Grappho Pluck
Dean: Galio Abbingdon
Dean: Zenith Fullova
Dean: Pru Tellerence
Dean: Reichel Bean
Dean: Marsh Kierand
Dean: Proteus Bligh
Dean: Rubicon Zenicon
Dean: Selium Sorium
Dean: Plato Indelicat
Private Hollywood Director
Lumi Domicile Dealer
First Master—College of Overseers
Overseer during Two Millenia War
Overseer during Two Millenia War
Overseer during Two Millenia War
Peter Dakion (aka Odyon)
Milver Dunstable
Mingud Ob
Tara Sierra
Myrddin Emrys
Leylland Eritheon
Rotating the right forefinger in an upward spiral to denote approval
LUMI (Capital city):
University of Lumi, home of the College of Overseers
The Library of Origination
Grand Illumi Hotel
Luminette Park
Governor's Palace, home of the governing council
Hall of Records
Mint Illumi
IllumOrangerie Restaurant
Illumi Transport Center
The Luminan Museum of Natural HistoryAGRILI
Consolidated FarmsBESTA
Consolidated School SystemMYCO
Artistry & AmuletsRANBI
Artistic Pottery & Glassworks
Illumini Art Studio
Ranbi Conservatory of MusicHYPO
Illumini HospitalMECCAN
Consolidated FarmsFRIDI
Illumini Manufacturing Center
Fridi Clothiers MUNIT
Illumini Armaments &Weaponry TORO ZONE
Toro Mines
Toro DesertNo littering
No loitering
No shouting
No skipping
No singing
No dancing
No raucous laughter
No yodeling
No swearing
No advertising
No unauthorized travel
No unauthorized marriages
No coupling without sanction of marriage
No secrets
No complaining
No outward displays of poverty*
*Residents should seek assistance at a Benefits Center at the first sign of financial hardship
Lumina is the prime world in the constellation of Illumini. It is more than 85% diamond with a bioengineered atmosphere to support life. The Ancients were a superior race who created the realms on twelve different worlds. When they looked for a thirteenth world to host Lumi, they couldn’t find a suitable one for their purposes, so instead they chose a planet almost entirely composed of graphite and diamond. Lumina was uninhabitable before that, at least by beings who needed an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The Prime Realm's water, air, minerals, and vegetation were all bioengineered by the Ancients in the proper ratios to produce a habitable environment. The Ancients also created an atmospheric ring around Lumina to prevent the world’s bioengineered air from evaporating. That ring also prevents other natural resources, like diamonds, from leaving the system. Any attempt to remove one would result in an explosion once it reached a certain altitude, terminating whatever vessel carried it. However, Luminan diamonds are no more valuable there than stone is on Fantasia because they are plentiful--although intrinsic value would depend on the grade of the material.
Originally, the majority of Overseers were female, but over the millennia that had changed and the were replaced mostly by males. However, the balance appears to be reverting to what it once was.
Lumina’s Dirty Little Secret
Transport between outcrops is only allowed with government approval and is primarily done by sea. However, Luminan waterways can be extremely dangerous, which is why all travel is governed and monitored.
There are airworthy transport discs, but they are extremely expensive to maintain and are only used by the most wealthy residents. Safety is in no way guaranteed and the government urges residents to use them only when necessary.
One of the traits it did share with the other libraries was the dozen portals connecting it to libraries on other worlds. However, instead of a cupola, this library had the equivalent of the top of a large crystal egg jutting out of the center of its main floor, and portals danced around the egg in an undulating design.
combination lock
cross between a pony and a goat
indigenous Luminan fruit
the underbelly hide of a phanti, a mammoth-like animal with leather-like skin
Fantasian liqueur (Japanese)
- Bornivor Heart—Comedia
- Herg Wine—Dramatica (extracted from the brains of tzen-tzalis, an aardvark-like creature)
- Roast Beef—Fantasia